For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
In person Sunday
service is at 8:45 AM
Elkins Chapel Service on Zoom every Sunday
Time: 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
February 2nd Hymns:
27 Let the Whole Creation Cry
499 The Master Has Come, and He Calls Us
554 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide
Hope you are blessed by being with us.
Sunday Service 8:30 – Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 4139 8985
Passcode: elkins
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 825 4139 8985
Find your local number:
Elkins Chapel Society, Inc.
374 Elkins Road,
PO Box 232, Elkins, NH 03233
Pastor: Allen V. Koop
IMG_2984 (1) Click here for Chimes
(in cooperation with the Wilmot Baptist Church)
Monday Night Bible Study: 7:30pm (meeting opens at 7:15)
Zoom Meeting ID: 557-893-183
Direct Link takes you right in with no password.
In Person Studies
Men: Wed, 6:30am, Wilmot Baptist, basement
Women: Thur. 9:30am, Wilmot Baptist, green house
(Wilmot Baptist, 61 Village Rd, Wilmot, NH)
Prayer Time: Thursdays at 7-8 AM and 7-8 PM
The Stone Chapel by Pleasant Lake
- Africa Inland Mission
- Camp Wilmot
- Dayspring Family Care
- His Mansion Ministries
- Our Daily Bread Ministries